【公告】【教育訓練公告 (含中、英文場次)】檢送114年02月份 實驗場所教育訓練(一般性安全衛生及危害通識教育訓練)資訊
1. 中文場次訓練資訊如下:請於下述時間準時到場。
a. 一般性安全衛生教育訓練:2025年02月13日(四) 9:00-12:00am (測驗70分及格),行政大樓一樓168教室(兆豐商銀辦事處對
b. 危害通識教育訓練(化學品):2025年02月13日(四) 13:30-16:30pm (測驗70分及格),行政大樓一樓168教室(兆豐商銀辦事處對
2. English Education:All members, including research assistants, M.S. students, Ph.D. students, postdoctoral fellows. Members should get 70 to pass the tests after the trainings.
a. General Safety and Health training, Feb. 13, 2025 (Thursday) 9:00-12:00am, Conference Room Ⅱ General Building I,Check-in stars from 8:50am to 9:15am.
b. Education and Training for Dangerous and Hazardous Chemicals, Feb. 13, 2025 (Thursday) 13:30-16:30pm, Conference Room Ⅱ General Building I,Check-in stars from 13:20 pm to 13:45 pm.
3. 請自行至環安中心環安衛E化管理系統(http://neshs
* 新進人員請先完成E化管理系統帳號註冊申請審核通過再進行報名
** 基於個人資料保護,請詳閱「個人資料蒐集告知同意書」確認同意後
Please sign in to the Environmental Protection and Occupational Safety and Health System. (http://neshsys.ad.nthu.edu.tw
When you get the notification letter, please log-in and complete the on-site course application.
It’s obliged for everyone to complete the education and training courses before entering laboratories and start working, even if the person doesn’t run experiments.
The one who doesn’t complete the education and training courses might be fined by competent authorities, and the principal investigator of the laboratory will bear the full responsibility for his/her actions.