
【獎學金公告】2024 Google東亞博士獎學金計畫申請資訊 (電子所辦公室收件截止日4/10)

2024 Google東亞博士獎學金計畫申請資訊此項計畫旨在表揚及獎勵在電腦科學或相關學科、以及其他潛力研究領域中,擁有卓越表現的傑出博士生,2024究領域為:

·Health & Bioscience

·Human-Computer Interaction and Visualization

·Machine Intelligence

·Machine Perception

·Natural Language Processing


·Quantum Computing

·Speech Processing

·Silicon Research (Algorithms, Architecture, Open Source Tooling)




1. 若申請者已獲得其他公司之獎學金計畫支持或曾獲得本獎學金,則不符合此計畫之參與條件(若由政府或非營利性組織提供之獎學金則不在此限)。



Student CV with links to website and publications

Short (1-page) CV of the student's primary advisor

2-3 letters of recommendation from those familiar with the nominee's work (At least one from the thesis advisor) 

Research / dissertation proposal (maximum 3 pages, excluding references) 

Student essay response (350-word limit) to: Describe the desired impact your research will make on the field and society, and why this is important to you. 

Student essay response (350-word limit) to: Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes or contributed to group efforts over time.

Transcripts of current and previous academic records (Official preferred; unofficial accepted)

